100 Things Celtics Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (100 Things...Fans Should Know)

100 Things Celtics Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (100 Things...Fans Should Know)

B. inggris 1.They give care to people who are sick.They work doctors and other health care workers to make patients well and to keep then fit and healthy.They also help with end of life needs and assist other family members with grieving.
They are....

2.Their duties of this profession are cleaning assigned areas of the school and washrooms,vacuuming carpets, cleaning using a germicidal detergent on all desks, table tops, and sibuk areas,emptying and wiping clean all waste.
They are...
b.school attendant

Tolong jawab yah ​

1.They give care to people who are sick.They work doctors and other health care workers to make patients well and to keep then fit and healthy.They also help with end of life needs and assist other family members with grieving.
They are....

2.Their duties of this profession are cleaning assigned areas of the school and washrooms,vacuuming carpets, cleaning using a germicidal detergent on all desks, table tops, and sibuk areas,emptying and wiping clean all waste.
They are...
b.school attendant

Tolong jawab yah ​

➼ Discussion

1..) They give care to people who are sick.They work doctors and other health care workers to make patients well and to keep then fit and healthy. They also help with end of life needs and assist other family members with grieving.

They are ...

A. Doctor

B. Midwife

C. Nurse ✅

D. Surgeon

Melalui kalimat " They give care to people who are sick " yang artinya " Mereka merawat orang yang sakit " telah menunjukkan bahwa mereka adalah Perawat ( Nurse )

2..) Their duties of this profession are cleaning assigned areas of the school and washrooms,vacuuming carpets, cleaning using a germicidal detergent on all desks, table tops, and sibuk areas,emptying and wiping clean all waste.

They are ...

A. Nurse

B. School attendant

C. Housewife

D. Servant

Mereka adalah seorang Petugas sekolah ( School attendant ) yang menjaga kebersihan sekolah.


1. A. Doctor

2. B. school attendant


1. karena di awal kalimat ada terdapat kata "dokter" maka dari itu saya memilih opsi dokter karena dianggap lebih tepat daripada opsi lainnya, namun perlu dilihat juga untuk soal no 1 ini agak membingungkan dikarenakan tugas dari bidan juga memiliki peranan yang sama

2. saya memilih jawaban b. school attendant karena di kalimat terdapat kata profesi ini adalah membersihkan area tugas sekolah dan kamar kecil, menyedot karpet, membersihkan semua meja dengan detergen anti kuman, bagian atas meja, dan area sibuk, mengosongkan dan mengelap semua sampah. Dimana kalimat diatas tepat menggambarkan seorang petugas sekolah
